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Snapshot page 


Main Acquisition software screen


  • Four (4) different graphs on one screen


  • Fi, VZi, F&V, WU&D, presented in L/c scale


  • Live capacity plot, presenting soil resistance per each blow​

4 graphs - main.jpg
Fi-VZi graphs - Aquizition.jpg

Main GPC Review software screen â€‹

  • The program window is divided into 4 parts:

    • Left Panel: Pile information

    • Middle Top Panel: Waveforms: F-V, Fi, WU/D, or Vi waveforms.​

    • Middle Bottom Panel: Blow parameters and results

    • Right Panel: Vertical plots

      • RU: Resistance plot. 

      • STR: Stresses plot

      • EMX: transferred energy and hammer stroke heights.

      • RBD: Pile rebound estimate (at top and toe of pile)

      • ENV: Envelopes along the pile lengths:

        1. Tension stresses within the first 2L/c per CASE method

        2. Tension stresses per N_GAPA signal matching program.

        3. Compression stresses per N_GAPA signal matching program.

        4. Skin friction (side resistances) per N_GAPA signal matching progra


N_GAPA main.png
GPC Aquizition Bottom modle menu .png

N_GAPA signal match analysis software􀀃

It is the analysis software for dynamic pile testing,

  • Comparable to and better than CAPWAP*.

  • Estimates

    • Total bearing capacity of a pile or shaft

    • Resistance distribution along the shaft and at the toe.

  • It is easy to use and super-fast.

  • Works in REAL TIME


N_GAPA and CAPWAP results are the same

On the right are test results using the GPC system with CAPWAP vs. GPC

  • Results with N-GAPA using the same pile simultaneously.

  • The results show a strong correlation between N_GAPA and CAPWAP* analysis software.


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N_GAPA and CAPWAP compare_edited.jpg
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